Guide to requesting CMD observations

CMD Datasets

Using the ‘Explore our data’ services you can request data from a specific version of a dataset. This is done with a GET request providing a single dimension option for each dimension. The URL follows the following structure:


Example URI;


As well as the requested data, the response provides links to code lists for individual items requested, any observation level metadata/information (e.g coefficients of variation) and links to original dataset and complete metadata.

    "dimensions": {
        "aggregate": {
            "option": {
                "href": "",
                "id": "cpih1dim1A0"
        "geography": {
            "option": {
                "href": "",
                "id": "K02000001"
        "time": {
            "option": {
                "href": "",
                "id": "Mar-18"
    "limit": 10000,
    "links": {
        "dataset_metadata": {
            "href": ""
        "self": {
            "href": ""
        "version": {
            "href": "",
            "id": "6"
    "observations": [
            "observation": "105.1"
    "offset": 0,
    "total_observations": 1,
    "unit_of_measure": "Index: 2015=100"


The time dimension is treated slightly differently from all other dimensions and you need to use the time label, rather than the ID. This is beacause all IDs for a certain ‘type’ of time, e.g Months, are currently the same.


This endpoint allows a single dimension to be replaced with a wildcard (‘*’) to return all values for this dimension.

Example URI


This is currently limited to 10,000 observations.