Retirement of the data endpoint for aggregated search pages


In line with our approach to the retirement of API endpoints, it has been decided that ONS will retire the data endpoints for our aggregated search pages due to the following reasons:

  • out of date technology
  • built as a proof of concept
  • strategic technology direction is elsewhere
  • cost of upkeep is too high with similar services available

The UI for these pages has already been moved to use our Search API, and it is the intention of ONS to separate data and UI endpoints by domain in future. Data in JSON format will be accessible via our API found at You can also browse the full API Swagger specification.

The endpoints to be decommissioned will be:

  • /alladhocs/data
  • /allmethodologies/data
  • */datalist/data
  • */publications/data
  • /publishedrequests/data
  • */staticlist/data
  • /timeseriestool/data
  • */topicspecificmethodology/data
  • /releasecalendar/data

Items marked with a * can appear at any url path on the ONS website, with the others only appearing at the root level.

These are for the following domains:


The UI for each page (without /data) will continue to remain live where it is still in use.

Migration guide

Below you can find detailed ways that you can still get the same data from the ONS using our latest services which will benefit from continued enhancement and investment.


Version URI

See the search response mapping for the overall response mapping and search item data mapping for the mappings for individual items. All of these endpoints offer the same parameters so please see parameter mapping for how to work with them.


Version URI

See the search response mapping for the overall response mapping and search item data mapping for the mappings for individual items. All of these endpoints offer the same parameters so please see parameter mapping for how to work with them.


Version URI

For topic filtered versions of this page, for example /economy/datalist/data, you will need to use topic IDs from our Topic API.

See the search response mapping for the overall response mapping and search item data mapping for the mappings for individual items. All of these endpoints offer the same parameters so please see parameter mapping for how to work with them.


Version URI

For topic filtered versions of this page, for example /economy/publications/data, you will need to use topic IDs from our Topic API.

See the search response mapping for the overall response mapping and search item data mapping for the mappings for individual items. All of these endpoints offer the same parameters so please see parameter mapping for how to work with them.


Version URI

See the search response mapping for the overall response mapping and search item data mapping for the mappings for individual items. All of these endpoints offer the same parameters so please see parameter mapping for how to work with them.


Version URI

For topic filtered versions of this page, for example /economy/staticlist/data, you will need to use topic IDs from our Topic API.

See the search response mapping for the overall response mapping and search item data mapping for the mappings for individual items. All of these endpoints offer the same parameters so please see parameter mapping for how to work with them.


Version URI

See the search response mapping for the overall response mapping and search item data mapping for the mappings for individual items. All of these endpoints offer the same parameters so please see parameter mapping for how to work with them.


Version URI

For topic filtered versions of this page, for example /economy/topicspecificmethodology/data, you will need to use topic IDs from our Topic API.

See the search response mapping for the overall response mapping and search item data mapping for the mappings for individual items. All of these endpoints offer the same parameters so please see parameter mapping for how to work with them.


Version URI

See the release response mapping for the overall response mapping and release item data mapping for the mappings for individual items. All of these endpoints offer the same parameters so please see parameter mapping for how to work with them.

Converting topics to our new format

Previously on our site we have used our URL structure to dictate the topics associated with content, but we are aiming to move away from this. In our Search Service, we offer content tagged by topic using unique IDs. These can be obtained from our Topic API:

Parameter mapping


Old parameter New parameter
page offset
size limit
fromDateDay fromDate (format: YYYY-MM-DD)
fromDateMonth fromDate (format: YYYY-MM-DD)
fromDateYear fromDate (format: YYYY-MM-DD)
toDateDay toDate (format: YYYY-MM-DD)
toDateMonth toDate (format: YYYY-MM-DD)
toDateYear toDate (format: YYYY-MM-DD)
topics topics

See details about converting topics to our new format

Search response mapping

Old JSON attribute New JSON attribute
type N/A
listType N/A
uri N/A
result.numberOfResults count
result.took took
result.results* items
suggestions N/A
docCounts N/A
paginator.numberOfPages N/A
paginator.currentPage N/A
paginator.start N/A
paginator.end N/A
paginator.pages N/A
sortBy N/A

*for mapping individual items please see the search item data mapping.

Search item data mapping

Old JSON attribute New JSON attribute
description.cdid cdid N/A* N/A* N/A*
description.datasetId dataset_id
description.datasetUri N/A* N/A*
description.edition edition
description.keyNote N/A*
description.keywords keywords
description.metaDescription meta_description
description.nationalStatistic N/A*
description.nextRelease N/A*
description.number N/A*
description.preUnit N/A*
description.releaseDate release_date
description.sampleSize N/A*
description.source N/A*
description.title title
description.summary summary
description.unit N/A*
searchBoost N/A
_type type
uri uri

*Remaining content (with the exception of searchBoost) can be retrieved by using our data endpoint found at:

and using the uri from the search response as a query parameter. For example:

The response attributes there directly correspond to the items in the table above.

Release response mapping

Old JSON attribute New JSON attribute
type N/A
listType N/A
uri N/A
result.took took
result.results releases*
suggestions N/A
docCounts N/A
paginator.numberOfPages N/A
paginator.currentPage N/A
paginator.start N/A
paginator.end N/A
paginator.pages N/A
sortBy N/A

*for mapping individual items please see the release item data mapping.

Release item data mapping

Old JSON attribute New JSON attribute
description.cancelled description.cancelled
description.cancellationNotice description.cancellation_notice
description.cdid cdid N/A* N/A* N/A*
description.edition edition
description.finalised description.finalised
description.metaDescription meta_description
description.nationalStatistic N/A*
description.nextRelease N/A*
description.preUnit N/A*
description.published description.published
description.releaseDate release_date
description.source N/A*
description.title title
description.summary summary
searchBoost N/A
_type type
uri uri

*Remaining content (with the exception of searchBoost) can be retrieved by using our data endpoint found at:

and using the uri from the search response as a query parameter. For example:

The response attributes there directly correspond to the items in the table above.